editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Visio Institut

ABOUT Visio Institut
Visio Institut is an independent public policy think tank in Slovenia. Aiming for open, free, fair and developed Slovenia, the Visio Institut is publishing a ray of publications, while Visio scholars regularly appear in media and at public events.
INVITATION: 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference
Think Tank News
INVITATION: 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference
This year\'s World Economic Freedom annual conference with a theme “Which Way to the Economic Freedom Revolution?” will be held on September 3-5 at Lake Bled in Slovenia. 4Liberty members are invited to submit papers on a visible increase of economic freedom in their country, or in a certain group of countries, and to analyze consequences that will follow
Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism: What and How?
Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism: What and How?
Sanders’ speeches reveal that his doctrine rests on three premises and two institutional requirements. The premises are: (1) a just society based on the equality of outcome exists and is desirable, (2) human reason can discover the rules required to bring about such a society, and (3) the political elite should enforce those formal rules from the top-down.
Happy Human Rights Day!
Happy Human Rights Day!
Today we celebrate the Human Rights Day. Although it, technically, commemorates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we think the Human Freedom Index and its definition of freedom – the absence of coercive constraint – can assist us in thinking more carefully about the state of freedom around the world.
Human Freedom Index Is Now Released
Human Freedom Index Is Now Released
Hong Kong and Switzerland top the rankings of a new index released today that presents the state of human freedom in the world. The U.S. performance is worrisome and shows that the United States can no longer claim to be the leading bastion of liberty in the world. The Human Freedom Index (HFI) is the most comprehensive measure of freedom ever created for a large number of countries around the globe.
Infographic: Minimum Wage in European Union
Infographic: Minimum Wage in European Union
We have the pleasure the present you an infographic accompanying the project on the impact of minimum wage on the economy of six Eastern European countries created by Visio Institute and supplements the previously published on our website policy paper titled \"Minimum Wage: Busting the Myth\". Enjoy!
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovene)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovene)
Štirinajst spodaj podpisanih think tankov iz osmih srednjeevropskih in vzhodnoevropskih držav članic EU, ki smo člani mreže 4Liberty, pozivamo Evropsko komisijo, Evropski parlament, Evropski svet in nacionalne parlamente, da v skladu z raziskavami in ekonomskimi dokazi podprejo TTIP v vseh svojih elementih, vključno z ISDS.
2015 Free Market Road Show in Ljubljana
Think Tank News
2015 Free Market Road Show in Ljubljana
The 2015 Free Market Road Show® in Lubljana brought together leading businessmen, scholars, opinion makers, public policy experts, elected officials, diplomats, students, and other interested parties from across Europe and the world to discuss the kind of Europe its citizens want to develop.