editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Zilvinas Silenas

ABOUT Zilvinas Silenas
President of Lithuanian Free Market Institute, political and NGO activist
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The current social pillars are divisive, but the divide is not across the “East-West” lines or even the “liberal-socialist” lines; rather, it goes along the “reality-delusion” lines. Sadly, the proposed social pillars will not make delusional politicians to accept reality
Beware of State Business!
Beware of State Business!
I am not questioning the values of politicians. If they believe that the means of production should belong to the state, it is their right to do so. However, we are living in an independent Lithuania and so members of the parliament must at least be objective and impartial.
Millions for Self, a Bill for the Taxpayer
Millions for Self, a Bill for the Taxpayer
Public tenders are beneficial to the taxpayers who actually pay for them. According to the Public Procurement Office of Lithuania, in 2015, over 300 million euro were spent without a competitive procurement procedure. This means that taxpayers have most likely overpaid in the majority of cases.
No Place for Middle Class in Lithuania
No Place for Middle Class in Lithuania
If a person works, strives and believes in being primarily responsible for his/her own destiny and not someone else, if that individual plans own finances, saves up and at least tries to escape from the “from pay to pay” circle - such a person is considered as the middle class or has all the potential to become it.
The Double Standard of Tax Harmonization
The Double Standard of Tax Harmonization
International trade has always been a contentious issue. Even those who agree that it is beneficial for all countries involved sometimes succumb to the fallacy that trade is a good thing only if it occurs between countries that have a similar level of economic development.