editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Robots To Take Our Jobs
Robots To Take Our Jobs
A robot called Baxter truly exists. It takes him one hour to learn simple repetitive movements and then it is able to repeat them with objects which weight no more than 10 kilograms. Baxter costs 22 thousand US dollars. It is less than work costs of one employee with average salary in Slovakia for two years.
Capitalism Can Be Different: Political Lessons from the Hungarian Uber-Protests
Capitalism Can Be Different: Political Lessons from the Hungarian Uber-Protests
Although the frontlines are very clear when it comes to democracy, rule of law, European orientation – it is not the case in economic issues. Opposition parties have to remember this when creating a program and looking for alternatives instead of the regime of Fidesz: the Hungarian opposition is not right of left wing, rather eclectic – just like the government.
Ukraine 2015: Recovering From the Perfect Storm
Ukraine 2015: Recovering From the Perfect Storm
2015 was a year of many wins and losses for Ukraine. In the first half of the year, Ukraine faced a near-perfect storm of escalating military conflict, falling commodity prices and political instability. As a result already low export revenues went even further down and foreign currency reserves dropped to 5 billion dollars.
Excise Duties on Alcohol in the EU
Excise Duties on Alcohol in the EU
To better understand the need for a change in policy, this article first provides a brief overview of the current legislation and its implementation in member states and then looks at how current proposals for new minimum rates were formed. Finally, it evaluates whether increasing taxes on alcohol is the best course of action.
Catch Up and Outpace!
Catch Up and Outpace!
Funny thing is that even professors of economics in the United States themselves were often not able to see the worse performance and lagging of centrally planned economies. Too much of intellectual work sometimes makes people forget to look out of the window.
Government Santa Claus
Government Santa Claus
You were \'nice\'? Here is a reward. You were \'naughty\' – here is a punishment. There is a kind of a social contract between an individual and Santa Claus. This simple and intuitive logic is not uncommon in many cultures. But I cannot help at wonder: what would Santa Claus be like if he was a government figure?
Report: Removing Formal Obstacles from Labour Market
Report: Removing Formal Obstacles from Labour Market
More than 20 representatives of NGOs, Roma employment organizations, journalists, politicians, embassies’ representatives, among others, attended a seminar organized by INESS on December 15, 2015 devoted to describing the existing barriers on the labor market, which are the result of existing legislation and discuss possibilities of their removal, or change.
How Bulgaria’s Fiscal Position Went All Wrong
How Bulgaria’s Fiscal Position Went All Wrong
Although Bulgaria has officially been in a budgetary consolidation phase during the entire 2013-2015 period, public expenditure went out of control on several occasions. Yet again the newly presented medium-term budget framework provides for decreasing deficits, while current expenditures (and thus deficits) are being hiked.