editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Bitcoin’s Week
If history repeats itself, Bitcoin could fall to 500 or 300 USD. But who knows? The fact is that in the longer term, it still has much greater potential than today’s prices.
Two Low Blows
New laws in Slovakia are passed like hotcakes and changed more frequently than socks, which creates a chaotic and unpredictable framework for citizens and entrepreneurs.
Ups and Downs
The Commission has published the first assessment of the national budgets for 2014. Only Germany and Estonia made the budget prospects flawless and deserve praise. Slovakia ended up in the third group.
ECB Four-Flush
As we have mentioned many times, China is preparing to enter the world currencies sphere. One piece of evidence is its vast activities in currency swaps with many countries, or the alleged increase in their official gold holdings.
A Bubble in Germany
You know that something’s really wrong when a former student leader of a Maoist party and the current President of the Commission says that „France is by far the country where companies pay the highest taxes and that’s a problem for growth and employment.”
Correct Premises, Wrong Conclusions
The Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Poland has published its comments about the changes in the Open Pension Fund (OFE). Because the professors have subscribed to them, we cannot say that they are another act of audacity, but quite a reasonable analysis. The only problematic thing is the fact that from correctly diagnosed premises, the professors draw quite puzzling conclusions, which are difficult to agree with.
Economy, Politics
Leaky Buckets
Sometimes, we see Croatia only as a big beach resort. But the newest EU member is concerned about non-vacation topics like the economic crisis as well. The country’s economy hasn’t grown since 2008, the unemployment rate is approaching 20% and the debt is rising sharply.