editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Jan Winiecki

ABOUT Jan Winiecki
Economist, member of the Polish Monetary Policy Council, member of Mount Pelerin Society, member of Patronage Council of Liberté!
Pension Warning…
Under the pressure of unionists, local or state governments gave up fast – after all, they are not private owners, who protect their firms against the threat of bankrupcy, but elective clerks financed by taxes!
Two Economies
Its supporters – fortunately not as numerous in Poland as in Western Europe and the USA – talk and write about the advantages of renewable energy like about a utopian, wonderful world without CO2 emissions, in which new workplaces in wind, solar and biofuel energy sectors are created.
America’s Missed Opportunity
American economy is commonly known to be in a bad condition. Most Americans are convinced that 4 years of the President Obama\'s administration government have not managed to deal with the crisis.