editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Sheep or Wolf – Fiat Euro! 35/2012
Sheep or Wolf – Fiat Euro! 35/2012
In Spain it will be hot after the summer. Judgment day will be on September 12. Did you sell grandfather’s gold teeth in Italy? We are treating depression by delivering news about bad situation our neighbours are in. The heat is slowing down the pace of society, but if you think it will slow down […]
Kyoto Limits Without a Signature
Kyoto Limits Without a Signature
While the “green” countries like Austria or Switzerland are slowly surrendering the dream to reach the carbon dioxide limits set by the Kyoto Protocol, one of the few countries, which will probably reach them, is USA. Those United States, which refused to ratify Kyoto and were strongly criticized by the western world community for this […]
Modern Jánošíks – Fiat Euro! 33/2012
Economy, Politics
Modern Jánošíks – Fiat Euro! 33/2012
Jánošík wasn’t Polish, he was Spanish! Two registered transactions at the commercial real estate markets in Italy in the second quarter. Did Angela soften after holidays? How Danica invests. Do you have peas in the freezer? And euros? When the children don’t want to leave home…  New hero in Spain is emerging. Spanish Jánošík. Juan […]
A Good Debt Deal for Bulgaria?
A Good Debt Deal for Bulgaria?
Just recently the Ministry of Finance issued 5-year external debt in euro, with annual coupon of 4,25% and annual yield of 4,436%. The total value of the issue was EUR 950 million, while the submitted bids stood at over EUR 6 billion. The issue was oversubscribed in just 30 minutes from hitting the screens and […]
When the Moral Support Is Not Enough – Fiat Euro! 32/2012
When the Moral Support Is Not Enough – Fiat Euro! 32/2012
Bouncer Ottmar Issing. ECB once again kept Greece in the game. Will the next five-year plan be merrier? Briefly today. Pandas are on holidays and without Angela Merkel who is having a rest and German Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Schauble, not much is going on in Europe. Mario Monti, Italian Prime Minister, informed Germans that […]
Draghi’s Bluff Revealed – Fiat Euro! 31/2012
Draghi’s Bluff Revealed – Fiat Euro! 31/2012
Central banks still don’t provide monetary opium, how long will the current illusions last without it? New taxes and economic growth. Milton Friedman would be 100 years old. Crisis is 5 years old. Last week we challenged the governor of the ECB Mario Draghi, who promised the moon to the markets, to stop talking and to […]