editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Quo vadis, Pension System?
A major pension reform was approved in a fast track procedure. The expense of this fast track procedure was not only the violation of legislative rules by the new parliament and government, but also lack of understanding of the long-term impact of this reform.
Upner Report 42/2012
Upner Report 42/2012
Gold and silver are still in the correction phase. Switzerland is going to introduce a gold coin as official currency. Swiss army is prepared. Mario Draghi will kiss with everybody. Gold and silver were traded around $1737 and $32.7 per ounce at the beginning of the week. The story for this week is very similar […]
Open Wallets – Fiat Euro! 40/2012
Open Wallets – Fiat Euro! 40/2012
Finally we are sending ESM our money. Spain is waiting for a miracle. Greeks saved money for karts. Iranians made a bomb – inflationary bomb! Similar bomb is predicted by FED’s models. So we finally have it. After months of negotiations, voting and ruling ESM – the permanent bailout mechanism – is finally here. It is the […]
No New Rules But Commitment to the Old Ones
No New Rules But Commitment to the Old Ones
Are you catching up all the tools, actions and countermeasures designed to save the eurozone from a break-up? Let’s count them together. Bilateral loans to Greece, IMF loans, SMP, EFSM, EFSF, LTRO, Sixpack, Fiscal Pact, ESM, OMT… It’s difficult to find a politician, not to say an ordinary citizen, who understands all these abbreviations. And […]
Upner Report 37: Soap Opera Continues
Upner Report 37: Soap Opera Continues
Unexpected news came from Scandinavia last week. Sweden will have lower corporate tax rate than Slovakia! Last Thursday Swedish government announced its intention to lower tax rate from 26,3% to 22% in order to „strengthen climate for investments and growth“ in the country. Well,  even Scandinavian socialism is not what it used to be. Truly […]
The End of Siesta – Fiat Euro! 37/2012
The End of Siesta – Fiat Euro! 37/2012
The Hot Wednesday wasn’t that hot after all. Greece denies need for the third bailout package. Spaniards don’t want any bailouts either. Rompuy has a plan. Americans don’t want to be left behind. The Judgment Day came, but it didn’t bring any shocking surprises. Bailout mechanism is not against the Constitution in Germany and the parliament […]