editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Law on Education in Ukraine: University Students, Parents, Teachers Support the Change
Law on Education in Ukraine: University Students, Parents, Teachers Support the Change
In September 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted changes to the Law on Education that established Ukrainian language as the single language of school education. The Law aims to fight discrimination of national minorities in Ukraine creating the possibilities to study Ukrainian language at national minority schools.
Progressive Taxation and Inequality
Progressive Taxation and Inequality
Progressive taxation is considered to be the most popular measure to reduce income inequality. The aim of the conducted research was to enlighten this discussion by exploring to what extent the progressiveness of PIT is a decisive factor in reducing income inequality.
Is Santa a Communist?
Is Santa a Communist?
Let me tell you the truth about Santa Claus. If his Marx-esque appearance and red clothing weren’t an immediate giveaway, I must point blank tell you: Santa is a communist. So before you go wasting ink and paper writing your letter, hear me out.
Employment Flexibility Index 2019 Shows Biggest Leap for Lithuania
Employment Flexibility Index 2019 Shows Biggest Leap for Lithuania
The 2017 labor law reform significantly improved Lithuania\'s position in the Employment Flexibility Index, moving the country from the 27th to 15th position among the EU and OECD countries, according to Employment Flexibility Index 2019 compiled by LFMI based on the World Bank\'s Doing Business data.