editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


INESS’ Friedman Legacy Day
Think Tank News
INESS’ Friedman Legacy Day
On July, 28, 2016, INESS organized in cooperation with EdChoice the 7th annual event commemorating Milton Friedman – The Friedman Legacy Day. This year, more than 100 similar events in various countries around the globe were held, the aim of which was to remember the intellectual legacy of one of the greatest economist of the century.
Female Politicians in the Public Eye
Politics, Society
Female Politicians in the Public Eye
Integrity Lab looked into the attitudes of the Hungarian society towards female politicians by a nation-wide representative research in order to better understand this phenomenon with special regard to the differences between voters of right and left-liberal parties.
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
“Inequality” refers to very important aspects of social life. But the debate on equality is full of confusion because of its many meanings, methodological and empirical errors and very strong emotions which “inequality” evokes. Conceptual confusion includes the lack of precise distinction between the inequality of situation and the inequality of opportunity.
Viktor Orbán’s Visegrad Plan: A New Power within the EU?
Viktor Orbán’s Visegrad Plan: A New Power within the EU?
A government-initiated referendum on European Union migrant quotas will be held in Hungary on October 2, 2016. It is a part of the Hungarian government’s campaign to use the refugee and migrant crisis (and the dissatisfaction of citizens with the EU) to gain back voter support – and it works very well.
Poles in the UK: Should They Stay or Should They Go?
Economy, Politics
Poles in the UK: Should They Stay or Should They Go?
A morning of June 24 was like no other. Some people were woken up in the early hours by a piercing sound of their mobile phones, when their friends wanted to reach them. Others anxiously climbed out of their beds. Most of them immediately switched on BBC news on their tellies only to find out that their worst fears came true – the majority of British citizens voted ‘leave’ in the EU referendum.