editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Shadow Economy in the Czech Republic
Shadow Economy in the Czech Republic
The Centre for Economic and Market Analyses published a study about the shadow economy in the Czech Republic. The study deals with the theoretical aspects of shadow economy, methodology and definition, it includes international comparison, determination of driven factors as well as provides a further analysis of chosen industries.
Nominate the Slovak Administrative Nonsense of 2015
Think Tank News
Nominate the Slovak Administrative Nonsense of 2015
The selection of administrative nonsenses listed every year gives a perfect overview of how many obstacles entrepreneurs must overcome if they want to run business in Slovakia. Feel free to nominate a nonsense that bothers you most – visit www.byrokratickynezmysel.sk and submit your suggestion until this Sunday.
USA and Hungary: Strained Relations
USA and Hungary: Strained Relations
On October 28, Colleen Bell, American ambassador to Hungary, pointed out the dire political and social problems Hungary faces today – problems it must solve. The speech, delivered at a university in Budapest, is not the first criticism Hungary received from its Western ally.
Risks and Challenges
Risks and Challenges
Security is the biggest challenge for our economy. To counteract a similar challenge, Israel, for example, is entirely militarized, regardless of the fact that numerous international lobbyist groups assist it, including financially. A country facing such security challenges might have armed forces three or four times stronger than Georgia and a defense budget 10 times larger.
Forward (or Backward) to Etatism
Forward (or Backward) to Etatism
The more powers, functions and mechanisms concentrated in the hands of a government, the more etatistic its policy with the people more restricted by, and subordinated to, the government. And vice versa, in a country where the government has very few functions, people live, act, study and work more freely.
Lessons from Volkswagen Case
Lessons from Volkswagen Case
Soon after the outbreak of Volkswagen scandal, it was found out that not only Volkswagen, but also many other, and potentially, all car producers which release diesel cars have the same problem. Their management, who cheated their way around the strict emission limits, eats humble pie at the press conferences.