To beat bureaucracy, you have to make your problem theirs, similarly to one of the Murphy’s laws, which we can use to hopefully manage to save our forests.
Introduction of the new directive can be dangerous not only because of extending the state’s and EU’s powers onto a new area of people’s activity. It will be harmful for the CSR itself.
The proportion of federalists supporting several European decisions has grown from 24% in 2006 to 34% by the end of 2011 – as is revealed by the Republikon Institute’s analysis examining altering attitudes towards the European Union.
Minimum wage debate is in full swing again after President Obama desperately trying to save his approval rating – with the exception of Nixon, worse than any other postwar second-term president – urged Congress to raise its federal level to $9 / hour.
Public Power Corporation has reported last week that many Greek households and corporations are not able to fulfil their obligation to pay their electricity bills.
We should fight for a European Bill of Rights, which is the European Convention on Human Rights, and declare this to be our minimal standards for the democratic society we are constructing in Europe.