The Sofia Echo writes about a ranking of the most influential people in Bulgaria presented by the local edition of Forbes magazine. The first place was granted to the Prime Minister (GERB) Boiko Borissov, second was Tsvetan Vassilev – Corporate Commercial Bank majority shareholder. Among 30 people there was only one woman – Tsvetelina Borislavova, majority shareholder of Bulgarian American Credit Bank. More about the ranking here.

As The Slovak Spectator writes, the results of the Central European Opinion Research Group’s survey concerning current economic situation in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary show that majority of citizens view the economic situation of their country negatively. 76% of surveyed Slovaks said that current economic situation in their country is bad, it was viewed positively only by 3%. 62% of Czechs see the economic situation in their country as negative, 7% consider it…

As The Warsaw Voice writes on Monday, March 26, there were protests of Solidarity trade union members against governmental plans to increase the retirement age. Several hundreds of protesters gathered in Warsaw, in front of the prime minister’s office. Trade unionists announced that protests would be held throughout whole week, on Wednesday they would move demonstrations to the front of the parliament. Meanwhile talks between two parties of the ruling coalition – Civic Platform (PO)…

President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus is paying a visit to Bulgaria on March 27, 2012, invited by the Bulgarian president Rossen Plevneliev, as The Sofia Echo writes today. There will be both talks between the presidents and between the Czech and Bulgarian delegations. A joint conference is planned to be held by Klaus and Plevneliev.The issues tackled during the talks will include political dialogue, bilateral relations, chances for trade cooperation and widely understood…

A survey of the Lithuanian economy conducted by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) shows that eurozone problems do not leave anybody cold. Lithuania failed to join the eurozone in 2007 because it missed the inflation criteria by only 0.06 per cent. At the time, it was considered a big political failure. However, given the present vulnerability of the eurozone, it may look like a windfall success. The national currency, the litas, is pegged to…

About elections which delighted Europe, about some new ideas from the city on the Seine and about a bankruptcy that turned out to be a bankruptcy. A budget hatchet will be buried in Slovakia, and Robert Fico will be in charge of it. At least, this is what the last weekend’s election resulted in. Contrary to the election outcome in the year 2006, this time the results of the party SMER pleased the foreign countries….

As The Lithuania Tribune writes Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė met with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano in Seoul, during the Nuclear Security Summit. President Grybauskaitė emphasised that works at both the Ignalina nuclear power plant and the planned Visaginas nuclear power plant are carried out with full respect for nuclear safety requirements. However, she pointed out concern when it comes to the safety of planned nuclear power plants in…

As the portal writes, new Polish party was officially launched on Saturday, March 24. The new conservative party is called Solidarna Polska (SP) (Solidarity Poland) and Zbigniew Ziobro, former Minister of Justice, was elected its leader. Solidarna Polska has 20MPs, 2 senators and 4 MEPs, mainly former members of Law and Justice party. Currently, according to surveys, the party has less than 2% of voters’ support. Main points of the political programme of the…

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Lithuanian Free Market Institute and                   Friedrich Naumann Foundation invite to International conference “The Eurozone in Crisis: Solutions and Future Prospects” WHEN Date: 03-04-2012 09:00 WHERE Place: Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius In the conference we will discuss the fiscal policy of the European Union countries and the future of euro. We invite politicians, representatives from business, experts from Lithuania and foreign countries, and the media to participate. Registration is due by…

According to The Slovak Spectator Miroslav Lajčák will be new Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs. The rest of the ministerial nominations will be known on Monday, March 26. Apart from Lajčák’s nomination, it is already known that Marek Maďarič will  be culture minister, Robert Kaliňák – interior minister and Peter Kažimír – finance minister. More information here.