editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


What Does Word Inflation Really Mean?
What Does Word Inflation Really Mean?
In light of record-high price rises, inflation is a term that comes up a lot. For a long period of time, it had a slightly different meaning. Inflation was primarily used to describe a rapid increase in the quantity of money. It is not difficult to understand the link between money and prices.
Where Do We Stand?
Where Do We Stand?
It used to be easy to gain a lot of information from the way a person looked. You might try it today in Europe, and still get it right in at least some of the cases, but you will be completely baffled once an American walks into a room.
Us and Them
Us and Them
It is a basic need for every human being to connect with others. Social psychology classifies the need for connection as one of the basic human motives, since humans are essentially social beings. Belonging somewhere has countless advantages. But what about when it\'s not a partnership or a group, but a crowd?