editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Regulators Are Blocking Access to Essential Medication
Regulators Are Blocking Access to Essential Medication
When it comes to healthcare and access to medication, regulators need to get out of the way. There is an ongoing debate about cannabis liberalization, but there is another drug which needs to be made more readily available: epinephrine, an essential medicine against severe allergic reactions. Epinephrine, a life-saving medicine, is not an over-the-counter drug. It requires a prescription, given to those who have known allergies. This needs to change.
Banish Magic from Politics
Banish Magic from Politics
Magic had influenced humankind since time immemorial until the age of reason started to disenchant the world. Unfortunately, magical practices still affect our lives. Thanks to the warped politics in some corners of the modern world, such as some far-right movements and the Kremlin under Vladimir Putin, magic is still leaving a sorry and unwelcome footprint on politics today.
Do Not Degrade Legislation Any Further
Do Not Degrade Legislation Any Further
In recent years, the quality of law-making in Poland has significantly deteriorated. Practices such as ignoring procedures, bypassing public consultations, using the deputies’ initiative route for government projects, and last-minute insertions in the final stage of the legislative process have been a constant element of the political landscape.
How PiS Regulated Lives of Poles
How PiS Regulated Lives of Poles
Over the last eight years, the Law and Justice (PiS) government in Poland redefined the boundaries of regulations governing the lifestyle of citizens, introducing a series of laws and regulations aimed at promoting desired or healthy habits and behaviors, while limiting access to products and services deemed harmful.
Slovakia in Spotlight: Phases of Slovakian Democratic Evolution
Slovakia in Spotlight: Phases of Slovakian Democratic Evolution
The 1990s brought several significant changes for Europe. On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia was dissolved, and as a result, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have since been independent states of the Central and Eastern European region. The focus of European public discourse is not always on Slovak domestic politics, but the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico in 2024 has shocked the continent.
Disparity in Campaign Financing in Hungary’s 2024 EP and Municipal Elections
Disparity in Campaign Financing in Hungary’s 2024 EP and Municipal Elections
The 2024 EP and municipal elections in Hungary, held on the same day, provide a complex and illuminating study of how financial resources, legal frameworks, and media control shape electoral outcomes. The Fidesz party\'s overwhelming dominance in campaign spending, both directly and indirectly, highlights significant imbalances in the democratic process.
Kristen Michal to Continue as Leader of Reform Party
Kristen Michal to Continue as Leader of Reform Party
The Estonian Reform Party approved Prime Minister Kristen Michal to continue as the party leader at the general meeting held on Sunday. Michal said \"We are unique in Estonian politics. Our work culture brings people together but does not shy away from asking difficult questions. Our respect comes from mastering the subject and getting the work done, not merely nodding in agreement. (...)\"
Political Elite United against Authoritarian States
Political Elite United against Authoritarian States
As the Members of the European Parliament’s ninth term closed their books, we tracked the views of incumbent MEPs on authoritarian regimes. We used qualitative and quantitative methods to build an accurate picture of MEPs’ positions on authoritarian countries. We have analyzed 152 votes cast by MEPs between 2019 and December 2023 to determine the potential openness of these MEPs to authoritarian influence, particularly from Russia and China.
Heartless Liberalism
Heartless Liberalism
More and more people claim that liberalism has lost its power and influence over people. It has become entangled in futile discussions, whereas it should set the tone and provide solutions to our current challenges. As a result, it has betrayed the trust of people who see neither the courage of thought nor the consistency of action. How can this situation be changed?