editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


We Need Real Choices: Interview with Jiří Schneider
Economy, Politics
We Need Real Choices: Interview with Jiří Schneider
Two years ago, here in Wrocław [at Wrocław Global Forum], you called United States and Europe “G2 of the world” and today you referred to them as “catamaran on stormy waters”, so I was wondering if you think that we can observe serious, permanent shift of power in contemporary world or just this storm that […]
What Can and What Can’t the State Do?
Economy, Politics
What Can and What Can’t the State Do?
An answer to this rather broad question is one of the issues that formed the subject of Alexander Fink´s presentation during the discussion forum on the topic of “East German Transformation and German Public Finance” organised by Liberalni Institut on Wednesday, March 14, 2012.  Before we are able to even tackle this question, it is […]
Grexit at the Gates! – Fiat Euro! 19/2012
Economy, Politics
Grexit at the Gates! – Fiat Euro! 19/2012
Voters decided if they still want to live on others‘ money. Savings or growth? A false dilemma with irresistible sex appeal to politicians. The Golden Dawn in Greece. Why Hugh Hendry is concerned about his assets in Europe? In Spain thr nationalization of banks‘ debts is launched – will they manage to break record annual deficit […]
The Revolt of Self-Centered Society
Politics, Society
The Revolt of Self-Centered Society
ACTA will not enter into force. Thousands of demonstrators opposed it. Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage – Bogdan Zdrojewski – discussed Polish drive for liberty and assumed that “we may also take pride in the protests of Internet users”. Nevertheless, everyone wonders why people started to demonstrate against the agreement. If nothing unexpected […]
New Political Party in Lithuania
New Political Party in Lithuania
As The Lithuania Tribune writes a new party was granted a persmission fo be registered – the Lithuanian People’s Party, established by Vladimir Romanov. After regsistration in the Register of Legal Entities party will be formally set up. At the same time documents submitted by Democratic and Labour Party and Emigrants Party were rejected as […]
Lithuania Dissatisfied with EU’s Aid Distribution Proposal
Economy, Politics
Lithuania Dissatisfied with EU’s Aid Distribution Proposal
The Lithuania Tribune writes that on March 29 president Dalia Grybauskaitė met with Johaness Hahn, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy. The main topics of the meeting included EU financial framework for the period 2014-2020 and the EU Cohesion Policy. Dalia Grybauskaitė expressed Lithuanian dissatisfaction with the proposal concerning rules of EU aid’s distribution. Lithuania puts […]
New Slovak Government Almost Completed
New Slovak Government Almost Completed
As The Slovak Spectator writes on March 19 Robert Fico confirmed next nominations for the ministers in his government – Martin Glváč will become defence minister and Peter Žiga will serve as environment minister. The new government will take office next week, on April 4. The Slovak Spectator summarized already known nominations in a new […]
New Proposal on Referenda in the Czech Republic Adopted
New Proposal on Referenda in the Czech Republic Adopted
As the portal czechposition.com writes Czech government adopted a proposal concerning national referenda which gives Czechs the chance to vote in referendum on important national and foreign issues. According to the proposal calling referendum 250,000 signatures under a petition and for the referendum to be valid the turnout cannot be lower than 50% of the […]
Jana Dubovcová Appointed New Slovak Ombudswoman
Jana Dubovcová Appointed New Slovak Ombudswoman
As The Slovak Spectator writes Jana Dubovcová (former judge and SDKU MP) was appointed a new Slovak ombudswoman on March 28, 2012. She replaced Pavol Kandráč who was in the office of ombudsman for last two five-year terms. At the same time talks over new government are being held, the newest information is that Jan […]