editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
“Do you know what the driving force behind economic progress is and that we are getting a little better all the time?” Is it scientific knowledge? Technological progress? Are entrepreneurs behind it? New investments? Or a combination of all of these? One process is behind all these reasons. Competition
[PUBLICATION] Future of Inner City
Publications, Society
[PUBLICATION] Future of Inner City
The inner city has always been a site of change and innovation. In times of COVID-19, the inner city has an opportunity to exploit its strengths – with digital retail concepts, innovative mobility solutions, and pragmatic site usage. The Fraunhofer IAO researchers see the inner city of the future as an innovation lab for developing and testing new concepts.
Foreseen Failure of Vaccination Efforts in Bulgaria
Foreseen Failure of Vaccination Efforts in Bulgaria
At the end of May, the IME wrote that it was high time for a ramp-up of vaccine efforts in Bulgaria. By this, we meant that the vaccination process should be made the first and foremost governmental priority, and that as many tools as possible should be sought and employed to speed up the pace. The reason was obvious. The country was substantially far behind achieving the set target – vaccinating 70% of the adult population by the end of August.
Human Rights during COVID-19 Pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Human Rights during COVID-19 Pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. In the same month, Bosnia and Herzegovina began implementing restrictive measures aimed at protecting the local population from the new virus. As in many other countries of the world, these measures were on the verge of not respecting human rights and caused numerous controversies.
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Pandemic in Pandemic: Domestic Violence in Croatia
Lockdowns and other restrictive measures to keep people in their homes and prevent socializing with others were introduced. But what if home is not a safe place? What if being locked down with a member of your family or a partner is the very definition of being unsafe and at risk of physical injury or psychological abuse?