editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Harry Potter and the Deathly Fake News
Harry Potter and the Deathly Fake News
Fake news are like religion, you must believe them despite of all common sense and evidence to the contrary. Like any radical religion, it must be protected at all costs. And so, in the fifth volume, Dolores Umbridge made Harry write lines, etching them into his own skin, saying: “I must not tell lies”.
Freedom that Liberates and Freedom that Binds
Freedom that Liberates and Freedom that Binds
It would seem that freedom unites people, gives them a sense of community and a common denominator. However, freedom may embrace many incompatible things. If we truly wish to be free, we must be able to differentiate between the concepts of liberating freedom and binding freedom.
Women and Conflict in India Today
Politics, Society
Women and Conflict in India Today
Gendered violence is used as an act of power, tactic of torture, and weapon of desecration. Gendered and sexualized violence is not limited to isolated acts of individuals, but is used as a tool of oppression by both state functionaries and combatants to subjugate communities and silence dissent.
The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and Islamophobia
Politics, Society
The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and Islamophobia
In the face of Europe\'s biggest so called ‘refugee crisis’ since WWII, many right wing and centrist politicians are using Islamophobia as a way to leverage policy-making in the West, to the detriment of human rights. The so called ‘refugee crisis’ reflects a crisis within Europe.
Attention: Mediacracy!
Politics, Society
Attention: Mediacracy!
Putin’s Russia is the first country that has deliberately made the carnival a cornerstone of its domestic and foreign policies – in fact, of its entire post-Soviet political architecture. The first country to have established, one decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a full-fledged TV-run postmodern dictatorship – a so-called “managed democracy”.
Why We Need Intellectual Entrepreneurs?
Politics, Society
Why We Need Intellectual Entrepreneurs?
Knowledge and skills that we usually associate with entrepreneurial activities seem to be a natural means to broaden the group of people that we can intrigue with our message. Liberty philosophers, as long as they are willing to come out to the agora of their polis, need to think the way the entrepreneurs do.
Does Labor Have a Future?
Economy, Society
Does Labor Have a Future?
If you think that these trends won’t affect you, because although you still have plenty time before you retire, or because you are not a blue-collar worker, don’t cheer too soon. The development of artificial intelligence can bring robotization and automatization not only to sectors where manual work with often repeated actions is needed.
Terrified Hungary
Politics, Society
Terrified Hungary
We must not remain silent, we must not accept fear. The government is still in power because it made people believe that it will protect them from the immigrants, NGOs, the EU and capitalistic and imperialistic American interests. And in the meantime they make people terrified of dissent.