editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Euroscepticism on the Rise But to Varying Degrees
Euroscepticism on the Rise But to Varying Degrees
Republikon Institute used data available from Eurobarometer to construct three categories among voting-age population in Europe: eurosceptics, who are dissatisfied with Europe; “soft eurooptimists”, who, in general, are comfortable with the depth of European integration, and “federalists”, who would give more power to Brussels. The Institute then looked at the ratio of these categories in different countries – with a special focus on Central Eastern Europe.
25 Years of Freedom: Something to Enjoy, Something to Work On
25 Years of Freedom: Something to Enjoy, Something to Work On
It is natural for the generation of Solidarity to assess the achievements of the political transformation unlike the current generation of 20- and 30-year-olds. In our opinion, free state is a given given and we want to work on its further improvement. The generation of our parents still remembers the gray communist regime and often urges us to enjoy what we already have
EU Must Innovate
Everyone would be better off if the European Commission started innovating its own policy and went by the principle „Less harmonisation, more competition“
Topple the Remaining Lenins
Ukrainians today are more serious about liberal democracy than many Europeans have been for a long time. The traditional values of Europe – self-reliance, self-determination – today are much stronger in the Maidan square than in parts of, say, Greece.
Have No Fear, Conservative Brothers and Sisters!
Here you are - XXI century, modern-day Poland: the smartest minds of the Catholic Church care about preventing the spread of the disease called gender theory, or as they refer to it – gender ideology, as they proclaim it is not compatible with the scientific standards at all.