Intensifying Euroscepticism in East Central Europe
In 2013, Republikon Institute carried out a project funded by the Friedrich Neumann Foundation, called Intensifying Euroscepticism in East Central Europe.
In 2013, Republikon Institute carried out a project funded by the Friedrich Neumann Foundation, called Intensifying Euroscepticism in East Central Europe.
The pre-war para-fascist disturbances in Poland were not caused by state’s policy – they were caused by the lack of it; by the fact that senators gave away schools to national right wing and the church without a fight.
We have all been harassed by petty government officials in daily life – the taxi driver who is harassed by a policeman, the small trader who is harassed by a tax inspector, the small town baker who is harassed by the environmental officer – these are often small issues which take place in ordinary small Polish cities
Project Parallel liberalisms, based on research by Republikon Institute, aims to define liberal voters of Hungary – who these liberal voters are and where they stand.
The pressure on publications at the expense of didactics, grants orientation, unmotivated students, the level of professors’ skills and, above all, red tape – these are the weaknesses of the system of higher education, which in many cases lower the level of teaching.
Let me list seven sins which, in my opinion, decrease the quality of higher education. You know them well, don’t you?
The conclusion of Prague economic conference, organized on the occasion of THE TAX FREEDOM DAY 2013 with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation, was quite clear: “We have to beat rational ignorance of European voters.”
What is inspiring about Margaret Thatcher´s story is the gradual growth of her political career. She started in her 20´s but was not elected Minister of Education until the age of 45. At the age of 53 she was already ruling Britain as Prime Minister
As human relationships develop mostly on a local level, it might be good to try and answer one particular question: are Muslims, Christians, and representatives of other cultures able to peacefully coexist in a multiethnic environment?
Despite their differences, the authors agree in the necessity to reappraise patent and copyright law from a liberal point of view. The current state of law doesn’t adequately meet the requirements of a manageable and incentive-compatible intellectual property rights regime.