And, last but not least, the virtues of a free and liberal democratic society must be accepted – irrespective of religious or political creed, colour or race. On the other hand: cultural and social specificity and diversity must be respected.
That brings me to my main point; the biggest threat to Europe is economic populism. The European debt crisis has proved what should have been clear much earlier.
Tonight I would like to draw your attention to the classical liberal conception of the human being. For the sake of wider recognition, I would like to refer to British thinkers such as John Locke, David Hume and Adam Smith.
If the United States were governed like the EU is, instead of President Obama and his administration, we would have meetings of 50 governors convening in Washington every six years and striving to reach a unanimous decision in all essential for the USA matters
Fundacja Industrial publisher of Liberté! and Republikon Institute in cooperation with Res Publika Nowa invite You to conference “Euroscepticism – how to prevent citizens aversion to Europe?.
Nick Clegg, leader of the British liberals, said in a speech that Britain wouldn’t be taken seriously by Americans and the Chinese if it had quit the EU.
Some of its activists and supporters will go over to the conservative camp and the rest will split between The Greens and Alternative für Deutschland, which holds a free-market credo of right-wing liberalism to a logical end.