Hate Speech Is Not Free Speech?
Is it true that racism is not so common a problem in Western Europe? Is it better – despite the legal situation – to be gay in Paris than in Warsaw?
Is it true that racism is not so common a problem in Western Europe? Is it better – despite the legal situation – to be gay in Paris than in Warsaw?
If the United States were governed like the EU is, instead of President Obama and his administration, we would have meetings of 50 governors convening in Washington every six years and striving to reach a unanimous decision in all essential for the USA matters
Fundacja Industrial publisher of Liberté! and Republikon Institute in cooperation with Res Publika Nowa invite You to conference “Euroscepticism – how to prevent citizens aversion to Europe?.
Nick Clegg, leader of the British liberals, said in a speech that Britain wouldn’t be taken seriously by Americans and the Chinese if it had quit the EU.
Some of its activists and supporters will go over to the conservative camp and the rest will split between The Greens and Alternative für Deutschland, which holds a free-market credo of right-wing liberalism to a logical end.
In Finnish schools, 14-16-year-old students have a right to two hours of conversation with a vocational guidance counsellor once a week. In the Canadian province Quebec, students prepare their Individualized Educational Plans and take part in many activities helping them to develop their skills and passions (…)
However, the only indisputable thing should be the fact that Europe constitutes a specific axiological community – a community based on the same fundamental values, principles, cultural patterns and experiences.
Greek plans to overhaul three big state-owned companies were thrown into disarray by Troika, which insists on more decisive solutions. These three companies only made a loss of 130 million euros in 2011 and have accumulated 2.5 billion euros of debts so far.
Greek déjá vu. Empty Portuguese highways. French reform which has never been carried out.
First of all, they should just stop using the word “democracy” together with the word “Russia” (if anyone has done it since Khodorkovsky’s trial).