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INVITATION: 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference

INVITATION: 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference

This year’s World Economic Freedom Annual Conference will be held September 3-5 at Lake Bled in Slovenia. The World Economic Freedom conference annually brings together members and associate members of the Economic Freedom Network (http://www.freetheworld.com/member.html), as well as other friends of economic freedom.

Conference registration is required to attend any part of the event. Registration of the 2016 World Economic Freedom annual conference is US$150 (€135 at current exchange rates) and includes the following:
– Academic program
– Conference materials
– Opening Reception on Saturday
– Lunch on Sunday and Monday
– Dinner on Sunday
– Hot and cold beverages during meeting breaks

Participants are responsible for checking if they need a visa to enter Slovenia. If you need a letter of invitation to apply for visa, kindly contact Visio Institute at .

The Visio Institute and Fraser Institute, organizers of the 2016 World Economic Freedom annual conference, have published a call for papers with a theme: “Which Way to the Economic Freedom Revolution?” Authors are invited to present their ideas for a visible increase of economic freedom in their country, or in a certain group of countries, and to analyse consequences that will follow. The papers should contain a brief overview of the topic and the methodology employed in the paper, followed by the recommendations and analysis of the impact of an increase of economic freedom. Deadline for paper title & abstract submission: August 3; Deadline for paper submission: August 10. More information about a call for papers: http://visio-institut.org/2016-efn-annual-conference/

More information on the 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference: http://visio-institut.org/2016-efn-annual-conference/.