editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Books to Read in 2024
Books to Read in 2024
The gluttony of the holidays marks not only the end of your capacity to feast more but also the end of the year. Your stocks I am sure are full of presents, and you want to catch up with your reading list. Lest you are too efficient and devour all your books here are a couple of recommendations for the next year.
Hungarian Government Might Want Kids Not To Read Harry Potter
Hungarian Government Might Want Kids Not To Read Harry Potter
In the fifth installment of the popular Harry Potter books, Dolores Umbridge, the personification of government meddling in education, forbids professors in Hogwarts from disclosing anything beyond what is strictly pertinent to their lessons. One rebellious schoolkid, however, points out in Umbridge\'s class that she cannot reprimand him for misbehaving during the lesson, as it is irrelevant to the subject. He gets detention.