editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Catholic Church

Polish Laurels and Best Bludner of 2014
Polish Laurels and Best Bludner of 2014
Laurels shall be awarded to a smooth transition in the party and the government after Donald Tusk left for Brussels. First, he ensured not having any \'number two\' in Civic Platform (he devoted the last two years to getting rid of Grzegorz Schetyna). Next, out of the blue, before the internal opposition was able to react and close its ranks in time, he appointed Ewa Kopacz to take his place.
Poland Under the Reign of Fundamentalist’s Conscience
Poland Under the Reign of Fundamentalist’s Conscience
There are two processes going on in the Polish reality, which at a first glance may seem to exclude one another. On the one hand, there is a mass decrease in the number of church-going believers (circa 2-4 millions in the last few years), and on the other, there is the phenomenon of overtaking the “moral” discourse in Poland by extreme groups related to Church.
Have No Fear, Conservative Brothers and Sisters!
Here you are - XXI century, modern-day Poland: the smartest minds of the Catholic Church care about preventing the spread of the disease called gender theory, or as they refer to it – gender ideology, as they proclaim it is not compatible with the scientific standards at all.