editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Fullness of Lack and Lack of Fullness: On Creative Approach to Present Challenges
Fullness of Lack and Lack of Fullness: On Creative Approach to Present Challenges
We do not like to lack anything in our daily lives. We do not like scarcity. Or, to put it even more strongly – we hate it. But what would happen if scarcity disappeared, and we began to lack scarcity? It is also worth looking at scarcity from a philosophical, less quotidian point of view, which allows us, among other things, to see everyday life itself in a different light.
Challenges for Poland as a State under the Rule of Law
Challenges for Poland as a State under the Rule of Law
In January 1982, after the martial law was introduced, Professors of the Warsaw University Tomasz Dybowski, refused to shake hands with Professor Sylwester Zawadzki – the then Minister of Justice – addressing him in the following manner: “for me, you are no longer a professor”. Now, it is high time to bring such gestrures back.