editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Business Taxation in Baltic States: Sibling Rivalry
Business Taxation in Baltic States: Sibling Rivalry
The competitiveness of a country’s tax system is instrumental in creating a favorable environment for foreign direct investment, stimulating business, and advancing societal well-being. Competition based on endogenous factors should not be perceived as unjust or unnatural.
Slovak Farmers Are Entrepreneurs
Slovak Farmers Are Entrepreneurs
Do not be fooled by the vast yellow fields of rapeseed in Slovakia. The agricultural sector is a zombie, living on subsidies instead of fresh brains. There are a few exceptions (like the successful tomato growers), but the overall numbers are harsh.
Sound Policy Reforms Push Lithuania in Doing Business Rankings
Sound Policy Reforms Push Lithuania in Doing Business Rankings
Lithuania has long been praised for its rankings in the categories of starting a business, registering property, and enforcing contracts, but it has also been criticized for a heavy administrative burden and red tape pervading the areas of dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, and paying taxes.
Bureaucracy Index Goes International
Think Tank News
Bureaucracy Index Goes International
In 2016, the Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS) from Slovakia decided to fill the gap and the Bureaucracy Index was born. In collaboration with experts from different areas, INESS identified and analyzed all the administrative tasks that the state requires from a model SME company.