editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Slovakia in Spotlight: Phases of Slovakian Democratic Evolution
Slovakia in Spotlight: Phases of Slovakian Democratic Evolution
The 1990s brought several significant changes for Europe. On January 1, 1993, Czechoslovakia was dissolved, and as a result, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have since been independent states of the Central and Eastern European region. The focus of European public discourse is not always on Slovak domestic politics, but the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico in 2024 has shocked the continent.
Heartless Liberalism
Heartless Liberalism
More and more people claim that liberalism has lost its power and influence over people. It has become entangled in futile discussions, whereas it should set the tone and provide solutions to our current challenges. As a result, it has betrayed the trust of people who see neither the courage of thought nor the consistency of action. How can this situation be changed?
EU Elections Results and What Do They Mean for the EU Green and Global Agenda with Pat Cox [PODCAST]
Think Tank News
EU Elections Results and What Do They Mean for the EU Green and Global Agenda with Pat Cox [PODCAST]
How to interpret the recent EU election results? What does it all mean for the EU green and global agenda? Are we experiencing a swing to the right? And is the EU a global player? Leszek Jazdzewski (Fundacja Liberte!) talks with Pat Cox, former President of the European Parliament, currently the European Coordinator for the […]