editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Infusion of Young
Infusion of Young
For Slovakia, in particular, as the extremely strong generation of \"Husák\'s children\"* does not have a sufficient population replacement and will start to put a major strain on the health and pension systems in the coming decades.
Evaluating 500+ Program in Poland
Evaluating 500+ Program in Poland
The introduction of the controversial 500+ program in Poland has so far resulted in no increase in fertility rate. Noteworthy, 12% of the program budget would be sufficient to eliminate extreme child poverty. Meanwhile, 100,000 women were pushed out of the labor market.
Pensions, Taxes and Political Interest
Economy, Politics
Pensions, Taxes and Political Interest
Ageing of the Polish society means that every year more and more people will reach the retirement age. At the same time, the number of people of working age will be decreasing. In this context, it appears that the pension system reform implemented in 1999 introduced a not very fortunate principle to the Polish pension system.