editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Bureaucracy and Nontransparent VAT Refunds are Main Obstacles for Exporters in Ukraine
Bureaucracy and Nontransparent VAT Refunds are Main Obstacles for Exporters in Ukraine
Ukrainian exporters say that inefficient and non-transparent VAT refunds system and high levels of bureaucracy are the biggest obstacles for export. The survey also reveals that smaller enterprises tend to be more burdened by complicated customs procedures and lack of transparency in the operation of tax agencies.
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
Policy Papers
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
This paper firstly briefly provides a political perspective on the FDIs flow within the debate in the UK and consequently discusses the difference between FDIs and trade exchange. After setting the goals and methodology, a summary of the main findings reflecting the data available in the chart attached follows.
European Parliament Debates Bitcoin
European Parliament Debates Bitcoin
The last couple of weeks bore witness to some interesting news. Headlines generated from ranks of the European Union were complemented by updates from the realm of new technologies and applications continuously on a crusade of further progress and development even in the world of virtual currencies.
The Analysis of the Southeast Asian Peace as a Case of Succsessful Prevention of Armed Conflict and Political Competitiveness
The Analysis of the Southeast Asian Peace as a Case of Succsessful Prevention of Armed Conflict and Political Competitiveness
The Southeast Asian peace is a term denoting a relatively peaceful environment in East Asia (regarding armed conflict) in the post-Cold-War era. Due to the regional specificity, it is important to analyze which actors and factors contribute to the Southasian peace, and which – despite the absence of the security infrastructure – tend to defuse the potential armed conflicts.
Why Protest Technology?
Why Protest Technology?
Fast forward to the 21st century Europe. Taxi drivers are the ones who are threatened by new technologies. A simple mobile app made them share the market with a whole lot of new drivers. And let’s be fair – nobody likes sharing a market with new competitors.