editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

energy sector

Freezing Prices Will Not Save Polish Energy Sector
Freezing Prices Will Not Save Polish Energy Sector
In the face of the energy crisis, politicians\' neglect of the development and modernization of the Polish energy sector is becoming increasingly visible. Freezing electricity prices is a costly and short-term solution, resulting from neglect in this area. The Polish energy mix, overly dependent on coal, requires decisive modernization actions, which, however, because of current policies, are systematically delayed.
If You Want to Save the Planet, Let Markets Work
If You Want to Save the Planet, Let Markets Work
Currently, Europe is focusing on other issues, particularly environmental protection and the fight against climate change. To this end, a broad investment strategy has been developed, which is detailed in the Green Deal and other related plans. A key component of these strategies is the energy sector, where the European Union has set ambitious targets for transitioning away from coal-fired energy sources and promoting the use of renewable sources.
Unraveling Electric Tax in Slovakia
Unraveling Electric Tax in Slovakia
While higher taxes cause immediate pain, numerous fees can be hidden in prices of products with anybody hardly noticing. A systematic concealing of environmental or social policies into the electricity prices is one of the causes of high prices. INESS has attempted to quantify the effect by introduction of the imaginary “Electric Tax”.
Is Ukrainian Energy Sector Prepared for Winter Season?
Is Ukrainian Energy Sector Prepared for Winter Season?
The forthcoming heating season of October 2015–April 2016 may be the most challenging season for the Ukrainian energy sector since Ukraine’s independence. Each subsector of energy sector has its own challenges in addition to the general problems such as the military conflict in the East, currency depreciation, debt accumulation, and high inflation.