editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit
Think Tank News
Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit
LFMI and Atlas Network are inviting you to spend two days discussing how to best attract more financial resources for the European liberty movement. This summit will feature eight discussion sessions on fundraising models, practices, and looming trends for the exchange of ideas among think tank CEOs and professionals from across Europe.
Discussion on Authoritarian Populism in Europe 
Think Tank News
Discussion on Authoritarian Populism in Europe 
On September 15, 2016 the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) in partnership with Timbro and  the Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences of Vilnius University will hold a discussion “Authoritarian Populism in Europe: The Resurgence of Parties and Ideologies”. 
Apply Now For Liberty Seminars Slovenia 2016!
Think Tank News
Apply Now For Liberty Seminars Slovenia 2016!
The 9th annual Liberty Seminars Slovenia will be held between September 1-5, 2016 at Hotel Jezero, Lake Bohinj, Slovenia. The event is a life-time opportunity to DISCUSS, PRESENT & DEBATE human rights, markets, public policies and law in breathtaking scenery of the Julian Alps.
Invitation to Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable on Constitutional Struggle in Central Europe || June 15, 2016, Warsaw, Poland
Think Tank News
Invitation to Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable on Constitutional Struggle in Central Europe || June 15, 2016, Warsaw, Poland
In the recent years we could observe a significant crisis of democracy and the rule of law in some of the CEE countries. During the Roundtable our experts discuss and compare how the political majorities attacked the independence of the constitutional courts and what was the response of the opposition, media, civil society and the EU.
The 2016 Free Market Road Show in Bratislava
Think Tank News
The 2016 Free Market Road Show in Bratislava
An international conference Free Market Road Show organized by INESS in cooperation with Austrian Economics Center was held in Bratislava at the Hotel Tatra on March 11, 2016. The Bratislava Free Market Road Show is a part of a unique conference tour which takes place in 45 cities of Europe and Caucasus from March to April every year.