editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

flat tax

Progressive Taxation and Inequality
Progressive Taxation and Inequality
Progressive taxation is considered to be the most popular measure to reduce income inequality. The aim of the conducted research was to enlighten this discussion by exploring to what extent the progressiveness of PIT is a decisive factor in reducing income inequality.
Flat Tax and Income Inequality
Flat Tax and Income Inequality
Piketty’s publication has reignited the debate over taxation. Proponents of higher taxation seized the opportunity to increase taxes. Even some countries of Central Eastern Europe, a region that has traditionally prided itself on flat taxes, have faltered.
Flat Tax: What Is Important And What Is Not
Flat Tax: What Is Important And What Is Not
The \"Flat Tax Era\" in Slovakia came to a definite end on 1st January 2013. Corporate tax rate of 23% (highest in the whole Central and East European Countries region by the way) became valid instead of the 19% rate. This was considered to be the last nail in the flat tax coffin.
Flat Tax Reforms
The flat tax countries are under a growing pressure to revert their flat tax reforms and necessary fiscal consolidation is used as an excuse for such requests.