editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


What to Do About <i>Fake News</i>?
What to Do About Fake News?
People cannot always decide for themselves whether a message is false or distorted. No one is solely in possession of the final truth. However, getting the facts straight and actively pursuing \"counter speech\" is a task not only for the media but also for civil society and each individual user.
Freedom that Liberates and Freedom that Binds
Freedom that Liberates and Freedom that Binds
It would seem that freedom unites people, gives them a sense of community and a common denominator. However, freedom may embrace many incompatible things. If we truly wish to be free, we must be able to differentiate between the concepts of liberating freedom and binding freedom.
Post-Soviet Georgia Proves that Economic Freedom and Human Dignity Are Inseparable
Post-Soviet Georgia Proves that Economic Freedom and Human Dignity Are Inseparable
Georgia became an independent nation in 1991 after 190 years of, first, annexation by Russia and then forceful incorporation in the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union collapsed, Georgia experienced the most dramatic peacetime economic decline in human history – a 75% drop in GDP. The country needed to restart its economy, and quickly.
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
“Inequality” refers to very important aspects of social life. But the debate on equality is full of confusion because of its many meanings, methodological and empirical errors and very strong emotions which “inequality” evokes. Conceptual confusion includes the lack of precise distinction between the inequality of situation and the inequality of opportunity.
How to Create A Silicon Valley In Poland
How to Create A Silicon Valley In Poland
To create Silicon Valleys in Poland and Europe, recognize that they cannot be designed and that the winners and losers they comprise cannot be predicted. Especially by governments. Focus instead on creating the right climate and environment: attractive taxes and unobtrusive regulation. Trust in freedom and free markets.