editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Has Oregon’s Policy of Decriminalizing Psychoactive Substances Failed?
Has Oregon’s Policy of Decriminalizing Psychoactive Substances Failed?
As of September 1, 2024, the part of an Oregon law that allowed possession of small amounts of psychoactive substances for personal use only under penalty of a misdemeanor was repealed. The decriminalization, which Oregonians voted for in a referendum in 2020, was intended to reduce the social stigma of addicted individuals, reduce overdose deaths, and ease users’ pathways to rehab.
AI-Driven Healthcare. Dream or Reality?
AI-Driven Healthcare. Dream or Reality?
The evolution of modern society has been intertwined with successive industrial revolutions. In the first industrial revolution, the spread of the steam engine began to replace human and animal labor. In the second industrial revolution, the assembly line enabled mass production and the increasingly simple manufacture of increasingly complex things.
Doctor Google as Ally
Doctor Google as Ally
The pandemic period has not been kind to some patients\' relationship with health professionals. A period of information uncertainty, spawning hoaxes. The patient with their own opinion and their own information falls under a crooked gaze.
Public Versus Private: No Choice
Public Versus Private: No Choice
There are private solutions, for healthcare, schools, and transport. They are popular or at least coveted. Yet, there is a catch. The state always lurks beneath the surface. Many taxi companies are owned by cronies and have a huge lobbying power. There is a fixed rate and no competition in Budapest.
How to Stabilize Healthcare Hole
How to Stabilize Healthcare Hole
I dare to write that the health financing situation is becoming increasingly muddled. With all three health insurance companies (allegedly) starting to cut their losses, the problem of financing Slovak healthcare has moved up a notch. Of course, it is too early to be scared, but from a systemic point of view, any future financial problems of the health insurance companies would be much more serious than the financial problems of the hospitals.