editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Back to Business As Usual
Back to Business As Usual
The big change in the EU did not take a place and Scotland remains the part of the United Kingdom. Even though the largest city - Glasgow - voted for independence, NO won 55:45. But this is not the end of the game for Scotland.
Not So Civil Hungary
Not So Civil Hungary
The strength of civil movements shows how healthy a society is. NGOs matter for the state, because they can shape public opinion and provide valuable research to politicians.
Russia’s Friends in Hungary
Russia’s Friends in Hungary
Hungary, whose people have a long, historic dislike for Russia is now torn between the West and the East. Although financed heavily by the European Union, Hungary seeks shady partnership with Putin.
Hungarian Elections
Hungarian Elections
Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orbán won his second consecutive term in a landside election last month. The governing Fidesz party managed to retain its absolute majority as the result of arguable new election laws and a highly inept opposition. Even more disturbingly Hungary’s infamous far-right Jobbik emerged as the second biggest party in the country.
Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Europe Sentiments and Extremism Conference in Hungary
Think Tank News
Anti-Capitalism, Anti-Europe Sentiments and Extremism Conference in Hungary
The joint event of the Hungarian Free Market Foundation and Political Capital was searching for answers to the ever present questions such as: what is the program of the far-right, how certain far right groups in Europe differ, should the media give these parties a voice, what effective counter strategies exist and is it possible that these parties form a partnership in the EU parliament.