As The Budapest Times writes it was announced on Thursday March 29 that Budapest’s Semmelweis Medical University decided to withdraw the doctorate awarded to the president Pal Schmitt because of plagiarism schandal that broke out at the beginning of the year. It was established that majority of Pál Schmitt’s dissertation was copied directly from other academic works – including those by Klaus Heinemann and Niklay Georgiev. More about the plagiarism scandal here.  

As The Slovak Spectator writes, the results of the Central European Opinion Research Group’s survey concerning current economic situation in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary show that majority of citizens view the economic situation of their country negatively. 76% of surveyed Slovaks said that current economic situation in their country is bad, it was viewed positively only by 3%. 62% of Czechs see the economic situation in their country as negative, 7% consider it…

Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day is officially celebrated on March 23. On this occassion, as the portal writes, Polish President Bronisław Komorowski is going to visit Hungary. First there will be celebrations held in Budapest, in which Hungarian counterpart President Pal Schmitt will also take part. On Friday celebrations will be held in Szeged. On the occassion of Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day a plaque will be unveiled in Budapest and both Presidents will plant oak trees as…

About good news from Iceland, the next act of Greek drama, Spanish ghost city, Presidential poetry and tough love in Europe. We have good news for you. Iceland is not junk anymore. Iceland is a country whose credit rating, unlike in the rest of Europe, started to rise. Why is it important? Iceland has done what European insolvent countries and monetary union still resists doing. After the crisis, which mainstream economists and governors didn‘t see coming,…

As The Budapest Times writes the EU presented Hungary with ultimatum: either the coutry will prove to the EU that it has its budget under control until 22 June or it will lose a big share of development funds for 2013. In order to meet the EU deficit target (below 3% of GDP) further cuts on spending are necessary. They will most probably affect mainly subsidies for transport and medicines. More about financial situation of…

photo: gregoriosz

According to The Budapest Times 15th March (national holiday in Hungary commemorating 1848 War of Independence) 2012 will be marked by two demonstrations held in Budapest. One is organized to protest against Viktor Orban’s policy under the title “Let’s wash away the shame”. On the same day supporters of Orban will gather on Kossuth tér for government-sponsored celebrations. On 15th March Budapest will also see a rally of extreme-right Jobbik. More information in The Budapest…