editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Euroscepticism on the Rise But to Varying Degrees
Euroscepticism on the Rise But to Varying Degrees
Republikon Institute used data available from Eurobarometer to construct three categories among voting-age population in Europe: eurosceptics, who are dissatisfied with Europe; “soft eurooptimists”, who, in general, are comfortable with the depth of European integration, and “federalists”, who would give more power to Brussels. The Institute then looked at the ratio of these categories in different countries – with a special focus on Central Eastern Europe.
U.S. Election and Hungary: Does It Matter?
In Hungary the issue of ethnicities is a topic we can’t ignore. Stereotypes about roma are stabilized and racism is growing to considerable proportions among Hungarians. Physical abuse, violence, negative discrimination is common in the country and solutions are unknown.
Hungarian Parties in Halftime
Hungarian Parties in Halftime
The Republikon Institute carried out a comprehensive and in-depth analysis concerning the electoral base of parties in the parliament. Apart from the characterization of voters the analysis examines some special questions in connection with the political parties which reached the required threshold in 2010 parliamentary elections: in case of Fidesz our major focus was on […]
Discovery of the Hungarian Paradise
Discovery of the Hungarian Paradise
During the past decade Slovakia used to be called a tiger in the middle of Europe. We have earned this nickname because we implemented transparent tax system with lower rates which in combination with relatively cheap labor attracted many large investors. But big corporations were not the only companies who came here to set up […]