editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Biggest Challenge for Poland Is Fight against Inflation
The Biggest Challenge for Poland Is Fight against Inflation
The International Monetary Fund\'s mission carried out an assessment in Warsaw on 14-24 March under Art. IV of the of the IMF Articles of Agreement. The mission pointed to the most important problems of the Polish economy and presented related recommendations. The Fund\'s delegation pointed out that the most important challenge is to bring inflation down to the target (which upper band of deviations is 3.5%). Therefore, it becomes necessary to tighten fiscal policy this year.
What Ukrainian Customs Should Do to Facilitate Trade: Regional Perspective
What Ukrainian Customs Should Do to Facilitate Trade: Regional Perspective
In compliance with the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine has split its previously combined fiscal service into separate tax and customs agencies. This is a step in the right direction, which should be followed by re-orienting the customs to serve businesses and promote cross-border trade.
When the Moral Support Is Not Enough – Fiat Euro! 32/2012
When the Moral Support Is Not Enough – Fiat Euro! 32/2012
Bouncer Ottmar Issing. ECB once again kept Greece in the game. Will the next five-year plan be merrier? Briefly today. Pandas are on holidays and without Angela Merkel who is having a rest and German Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Schauble, not much is going on in Europe. Mario Monti, Italian Prime Minister, informed Germans that […]
Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You! – Fiat Euro! 25/2012
Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You! – Fiat Euro! 25/2012
We’ve been walled up. Greece has government but money is still missing. Which German team will win the European Championship? FED playing games, another package is postponed. How many Olympic medals will the EU-funded United Nations of Europe get? Let’s start from the end, namely from what happened last week. Eurozone is on fire and […]
Euro Bill Updated
Society, Think Tank News
Euro Bill Updated
The Euro Bill is project run by Slovak think tank INESS, which tracks all guarantees and expenses related to euro zone rescue efforts. The May update includes several changes, related mainly to the spring default of Greece. Paradoxically, the overall sum of guarantees dropped slightly to EUR 1860 per capita (in Slovakia). This is due […]