editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

labor market

LFMI Launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018
Think Tank News
LFMI Launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018
LFMI launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018 for the EU and OECD. The index is based on the World Bank’s Doing Business data on labor market regulation and covers a set of indicators on hiring, working hours, redundancy rules, and redundancy costs.
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The current social pillars are divisive, but the divide is not across the “East-West” lines or even the “liberal-socialist” lines; rather, it goes along the “reality-delusion” lines. Sadly, the proposed social pillars will not make delusional politicians to accept reality
The Benefits of Modern Retail in Bulgaria: A Fact-Based Study
The Benefits of Modern Retail in Bulgaria: A Fact-Based Study
The objective of the study \"The Seen and the Unseen Effects of the Entry of Modern Retail1 in Bulgaria: Facts Against Myths\" is to examine a number of popular claims that have been circulating in the media, and public debates. They often become grounds for political action and even legislative initiatives against modern retail formats.
Stimulated: Investment Subsidies in Slovakia
Stimulated: Investment Subsidies in Slovakia
Most economists and politicians agree that investment subsidies break market principles. However, many consider subsidies a necessary tool in the global competition for investors and as an economic growth booster. INESS analyzed the investment subsidies granted in Slovakia during the years 2002–2016.
Robots To Take Our Jobs
Robots To Take Our Jobs
A robot called Baxter truly exists. It takes him one hour to learn simple repetitive movements and then it is able to repeat them with objects which weight no more than 10 kilograms. Baxter costs 22 thousand US dollars. It is less than work costs of one employee with average salary in Slovakia for two years.