editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Who Should Punish Orbán?
Who Should Punish Orbán?
Hungary has been fined an unprecedentedly large amount for the severe violation of EU law over the rights of asylum seekers. However, this is not about Hungary\'s stance against the oppressive EU as the Hungarian governing party Fidesz wants to depict but about the party coming at odds with its ever-swaying populist positions. Yet the Hungarian voters, rather than EU activists, should punish the Hungarian government.
Is Hungary Anti-Semitic?
Is Hungary Anti-Semitic?
The Hungarian government is not anti-Semitic. It is populist. Playing right into the fears of people is a typical populist strategy. It builds on the same fears as anti-Semitic campaigns do, true, but despite the same foundations, the end results are somewhart different.
AfD: A Warning from Germany
AfD: A Warning from Germany
Angela Merkel\'s party, CDU, came in first in the German national election. However, this is not a great victory because what\'s important here is that for the first time in post-World War 2 history, an extreme right-wing party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), came in third in the national election, getting around 13% of the votes.