editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


We Will Be Paying with Lira – Fiat Euro! 36/2012
We Will Be Paying with Lira – Fiat Euro! 36/2012
Is the last fortification falling down? Spain used backup. American debt can ask for a driving license. And Bulgarians are ungrateful. Silly season ended in a big style. ECB decided on its meeting last week to resurrect the program of purchasing bonds of the problematic states under a new label. Forget SMP, here comes new and better […]
Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Is destabilization of the EU really the only alternative? German constitutional court takes its time. The state won’t allow any competition in manipulating interest rates. Many Spaniards have put all the eggs in one basket, which is currently hitting the ground. When Silvio is talking, rating agencies are listening. New chairman of the Council for […]
We Made Mistakes Out of Naivety – Fiat Euro! 23/2012
We Made Mistakes Out of Naivety – Fiat Euro! 23/2012
France makes promises and Commission is happy. Will Spain get gifts during the weekend? Be careful about your language, there is always somebody listening. Is euro a dogma? Will it rain dollars or are we facing a dry summer? Silvio is joking  again. In a detailed analysis of French public finances, the European Commission expressed concern if […]