editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Pal Schmitt

Pál Schmitt’s Doctorate Withdrawn
Pál Schmitt’s Doctorate Withdrawn
As The Budapest Times writes it was announced on Thursday March 29 that Budapest’s Semmelweis Medical University decided to withdraw the doctorate awarded to the president Pal Schmitt because of plagiarism schandal that broke out at the beginning of the year. It was established that majority of Pál Schmitt’s dissertation was copied directly from other […]
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day Celebrations
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day Celebrations
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day is officially celebrated on March 23. On this occassion, as the portal www.thenews.pl writes, Polish President Bronisław Komorowski is going to visit Hungary. First there will be celebrations held in Budapest, in which Hungarian counterpart President Pal Schmitt will also take part. On Friday celebrations will be held in Szeged. On the […]