editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Train Journeys Became Luxurious in Poland
Train Journeys Became Luxurious in Poland
Poland\'s national railway system has left much to be desired in terms of quality of service, starting from the frequent delays and cancellations. However, since January 11, 2023, there has been an additional factor refraining potential customers from relying on the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
What Happened Recently in Poland
What Happened Recently in Poland
Hundreds of tones of dead fish have recovered from the Oder river. First dead fish were spotted already in late July. In early August, some anglers and local politicians from Lower Silesia alarmed regional authorities. There was no reaction. The mass die-off was detected when locals came across thousands of fish corpses near the village of Widuchowa on 11 August.
Indoctrination HiTs Polish Schools – New Subject Introduced by Polish Government
Indoctrination HiTs Polish Schools – New Subject Introduced by Polish Government
Recently the Polish ministry of education announced the creation of a new mandatory school subject called \"Historia i Teraźniejszość\". The coursebook that was written by a former PiS EU Parliament deputy, Wojciech Roszkowski, specifically on that purposes includes numerous political and ideological biases, presenting \"the one and only, proper\" worldview inclined towards the policy of Polish government.