editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


National Currency Is Not Like a Bike Gear
National Currency Is Not Like a Bike Gear
For Poland, introducing euro is, strategically, a very important step. The discussion (so far only theoretical) is conducted in two areas. First, a political debate is devoted to the direction of our integration. There is, however, a second debate – a strictly economic one.
Good Intentions, Pathological Law-Making Process and Manipulation: Law and Justice’s Recipe for Nature Protection
Politics, Society
Good Intentions, Pathological Law-Making Process and Manipulation: Law and Justice’s Recipe for Nature Protection
”Lex Szyszko” became a symbol of a low-quality, discriminating law, which, however, was based on good intentions. It also became an example of how manipulated information can influence society through the Internet. This case should be a warning for every politician – citizens need a stable and predictable legislature.
Payment Backlogs: Big Problem for Small Businesses
Payment Backlogs: Big Problem for Small Businesses
The cost of payment backlogs is not limited to the cost of maintaining the liquidity of the company. In addition to the interest on bank loans, one should also take into account all the additional costs associated with the monitoring of payments from contractors, chasing late payments, and growing risks caused by the delays.
There Were Better Times
There Were Better Times
Having said farewell to the year 2016, I do not really know whether I should be happy or worried. Should I be glad that this disastrous year has ended? Or rather fear that 2017 may be even worse. Why? I\'ll try to explain it in a nutshell.
Challenges for Poland as a State under the Rule of Law
Challenges for Poland as a State under the Rule of Law
In January 1982, after the martial law was introduced, Professors of the Warsaw University Tomasz Dybowski, refused to shake hands with Professor Sylwester Zawadzki – the then Minister of Justice – addressing him in the following manner: “for me, you are no longer a professor”. Now, it is high time to bring such gestrures back.