editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

private sector

Building Resilience: Evolution of Ukraine’s Private Sector
Building Resilience: Evolution of Ukraine’s Private Sector
The full-scale invasion has become the most exhausting challenge for Ukraine’s economy. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian business sector with strong medium-sized private enterprises has demonstrated outstanding resilience despite economic downfall, missile and drone attacks, and electricity outages. The IER research asserts that in the last two decades, Ukraine has grown a new private sector that secures Ukraine’s resistance.
Estonian Ministry Wants to Promote Use of E-Receipts in Private Sector
Estonian Ministry Wants to Promote Use of E-Receipts in Private Sector
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia, wants to analyze the existing use of e-receipts and to propose a new service to be introduced by 2025. \"Although e-receipt has been available as a service in Estonia for a long time, it is still used relatively little. Larger stores offer the possibility of a digital receipt already now, but more often it\'s still paperwork that we can see today. (...)\" said Andres Sutt, the Estonian minister.
The Side-Effects of the Minimum Wage Increases
The Side-Effects of the Minimum Wage Increases
From 2012 to 2014 Lithuania increased its minimum monthly wage by almost one third (from 800 Litas in 2012 to 1,035 Litas in 2014). There are suggestions to increase the minimum wage in 2015 even more the supporters of the idea claim that companies would adapt. But is it all that simple? According to the survey conducted by LFMI, minimum wage increases come at a cost and they eventually bring several negative consequences.