editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Protectionism as New Pandemic
Protectionism as New Pandemic
Of course, everyone would be delighted if the supermarkets were full of quality Slovak fruit, vegetables, meat, and other products. However, this ideal cannot be achieved by a policy of self-sufficiency, but by a policy of cooperation.
REVIEW #15: Don’t Worry, Be Open! [AFTERWORD]
Review #15
REVIEW #15: Don’t Worry, Be Open! [AFTERWORD]
Protectionism is a frequently used political tool. Sometimes, it is hidden in complicated laws, other times it is presented quite openly. As society is witnessing a wave of populist and nationalist ideas in Europe, especially in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), protectionist ideas are still widely accepted.
Populists Versus Speed-Bumps
Populists Versus Speed-Bumps
In 2017, the Cambridge Dictionary proclaimed “populism” the word of the year. There are many definitions of the term, still, it always evokes strong emotions. One of the definitions of populism in politics was proposed by the Swedish think tank Timbro.
Inappropriate Regulation of Appropriate Conditions
Inappropriate Regulation of Appropriate Conditions
The Slovak Ministry of Agriculture lists among its goals the support of Slovak agricultural production. Except their heavy subsidizing under EU common agricultural policy, it uses several tools of nationalist protection of local production.