editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


EU Response to Trump with Philippe Legrain [PODCAST]
Think Tank News
EU Response to Trump with Philippe Legrain [PODCAST]
How can the European Union woo Donald Trump? Why immigration is beneficial and morally right? And what is the EU\'s potential for change and reform? Leszek Jazdzewski (Fundacja Liberte!) talks with Philippe Legrain, a former economic adviser to the president of the European Commission, a Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics’ European Institute.
82 Percent of Russians Plunged into Apathy
82 Percent of Russians Plunged into Apathy
The most recent poll conducted by the Levada Center, Russia\'s foremost independent polling institution, following Yevgeny Prigozhin\'s incursion into Moscow, leaves no room for doubt: 82 percent of Russians continue to express support for Putin. While not questioning the absolute precision of these surveys or their methodologies, it becomes challenging not to ponder their proportionality and, consequently, their credibility.
Russia and Its Weakness
Russia and Its Weakness
Russia. The word still evokes images of conspiracy behind gray concrete blocks, while a strong military marches through the streets in a tour de force of the iron hand that rules the harsh country. The Kremlin was working hard to ensure that this stereotype, of influential and ruthless Soviet toughness, is exaggerated. Disinformation, ostentatious secret service operations and bellicose rhetoric all served this illusion.
The Dangers of Communism Today
The Dangers of Communism Today
In 2017, the looming threat of communism has not vanished completely. According to a poll conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 44% of American youth would prefer living under socialism, 7% under communism, and only 42% chose capitalism.
The Eurozone Crisis and EU’s “Sins of Illiberalism”
The Eurozone Crisis and EU’s “Sins of Illiberalism”
We are witnessing the EU’s declining normative influence in three levels: inner circle of membership, middle circle of prospective members and outer circle of neighbourhood, and is expressed in the primacy of hard core economics, the weaker promotion of democracy, the inefficient political conditionality and the gradual realisation that illiberalism is becoming a threatening part of several national competitive politics.
History Repeats Itself
I wish I were wrong, but all the piece come together reminding of the Munich scenario, the defence of the Russian minority, Ukraine waiting for its allies to take action, the allied armies standing idle, the aggressor producing facts and a desperate fight to keep up pretences of law and order by the West.