editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Pandemic Accelerated Digitalization of Local Democracy in Ukraine
Pandemic Accelerated Digitalization of Local Democracy in Ukraine
The COVID-19 pandemic affected most areas of Ukrainian life. A study by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) found that during the pandemic, traditional methods of communication of civil society with the authorities have declined significantly, especially those involving face-to-face meetings. Instead, the tools of e-democracy became widespread.
Quarantine as Double Punishment
Quarantine as Double Punishment
The justice of compensating for the quarantine is once again one of the main societal concerns. Previously made mistakes are leading to more and more flawed interpretations and force us to go back to the origins of the crisis. Did companies, which received \"quarantine relief\" from the government, have a right to breathe, move and change? In economic terms, it means to pay, invest, purchase, trade and transfer.
Reviewing Responses of Various Governments to COVID-19
Reviewing Responses of Various Governments to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious challenge for societies around the world. In response to it not only individuals are changing their behavior, but also governments are taking various policy actions. In order to compare responses in different countries we have gathered information from a number of states.