While most of the world cooped in here are some recommendations for liberals (even though the books might not be) as to what to read during the holidays.
Hayek would like us to live in peace with all people, if possible, and to accept ourselves and the world as we are. Asked if he feels happy at the end of his life he answered: “It is my general view of life that we are playing a game of luck, and I have been lucky in this game.”
Do not read poetry because you have to. The selection enforced upon you by schools is oftentimes useless, and often serves only to uselessly try to impart upon you tacky nationalism. Read poetry because it serves you.
F.A. Hayek was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974. He contributed, among other things, to the theory of prices, business cycle, and money, for which he won the prize. However, several critics call him a \"non-economist\" or a \"repeater\" of L. von Mises\'s theories. He has long been in dispute with J. M. Keynes.
F. A. Hayek belonged to the so-called Austrian School of Economics. This school can be understood as a school of economic thought or a branch of libertarian ideology inspired by Austrian economists. Here is some recommended reading for further exploration