editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Eurozone Crisis and EU’s “Sins of Illiberalism”
The Eurozone Crisis and EU’s “Sins of Illiberalism”
We are witnessing the EU’s declining normative influence in three levels: inner circle of membership, middle circle of prospective members and outer circle of neighbourhood, and is expressed in the primacy of hard core economics, the weaker promotion of democracy, the inefficient political conditionality and the gradual realisation that illiberalism is becoming a threatening part of several national competitive politics.
Ukraine 2016: Closer to Stabilization, Far Away From Growth
Ukraine 2016: Closer to Stabilization, Far Away From Growth
The economic situation in Ukraine in 2015 and 2016 will depend on progress in externally supported reform program and on stabilization in the Eastern Ukraine. Fiscal consolidation, decline in real wages and unemployment will cause reduction of real private consumption. Weak hryvnia, despite dragging down consumption and investments, helps to increase fiscal revenues and narrow the current account deficit.
Milk Price Control in Lithuania?
Milk Price Control in Lithuania?
After a long negotiation between milk producers, processors and sellers, the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture has proposed a new bill that would severely tighten the regulation of the Lithuanian dairy market. The authors of the bill claim that their intention is to protect Lithuanian producers, bring confidence to the market and boost the consumption of milk products. But […]