editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Schengen area

Bulgarian Constitution as Lifeline
Bulgarian Constitution as Lifeline
Soon it will be 8 years since the last constitutional changes related to the Bulgarian judiciary. As politicians are evidently in a hurry to present us with a Christmas gift in the form of new amendments to the Fundamental Law, perhaps it is a good idea to recall what happened in 2015, highlight the differences with the current situation, and suggest why there is such a lack of enthusiasm for the current initiative.
Economic Benefits of Schengen Area: What Bulgaria Is Missing (Again)
Economic Benefits of Schengen Area: What Bulgaria Is Missing (Again)
Once again, it has become clear that Bulgaria shall not be joining the Schengen agreement for some time, mostly due to the distrust in the work of our institutions and their ability to effectively guard the outer border of the visa-free area. Apart from the deeper European integration and the further inclusion to the \"rich country club,\" the accession to the Schengen Area could provide a couple of specific benefits to the Bulgarian economy.