editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Communism Is Creeping Back in Hungary
Communism Is Creeping Back in Hungary
The Hungarian government is pandering to its elderly voters through nostalgia. However, unlike other populists who promise to bring back a glorious and nonexistent past, the Hungarian leadership is putting hammer and sickle to work on bringing back communism - an era when their pensioner voter base was young and when absolutely nothing functioned properly.
What A. Smith Teaches Us About Taxpayers’ Rights?
What A. Smith Teaches Us About Taxpayers’ Rights?
Who should be taxed, how should they be taxed and what purpose should it serve? These questions are as old as the world. To help answer them, in his 1776 work \"The Wealth of Nations\" the Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith formulated four principles of taxation. According to him, taxes should be proportional to the benefits that a person derives from belonging to society.
Doctor Google as Ally
Doctor Google as Ally
The pandemic period has not been kind to some patients\' relationship with health professionals. A period of information uncertainty, spawning hoaxes. The patient with their own opinion and their own information falls under a crooked gaze.